Sunday, September 30, 2007

Getting Closer....

It just occured to me that tomorrow is October 1st. At first I was just thinking,"Wow, I can't believe how fast the year is moving." THEN I realized that it will be OCTOBER....which is the month right before NOVEMBER????? Crap. I'm excited and ready, and completely terrified, freaked, and not ready all at the same time. So much stuff is a mess, and I need to get it sorted out before she gets here, so she is not brought into the mess. Ugh.

We had another ultrasound on Friday. I feel like she looks so different than she did in the first one. They grow up so fast :-) Now I'm just worried because everyone kept saying, "Ooh, look at those chubby little cheeks!" Chubby cheeks? Doesn't those usually connect to a large head? That I have to push out? Oh no. :-)

First Ultrasound Pictures (27 weeks)
2nd Ultrasound Pics (33 weeks)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shower Numero Dos

Sarah had my second and final shower this weekend. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to be able to relax and not have to work so hard. I was very grateful for everyone helping out. It was kinda sad (lots of husband stories) and very scarey (LOTS of freaky labor and yuckiness stories). But, it was good to spend time with people I haven't seen in awhile. It was fun because it was the group of us who will be participating in the Year of the Baby celebration. 3 of the women have had babies in the past 6 months and two of us are due in November. Jenn got two puppies, so I told her that totally counted:-)

Carrie & Sebastian
Katie and Jack
The babies playing
The fetuses "playing" :-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Shower Numero Uno

I had my first shower this weekend at my mom's. It was exhausting and a lot of work, but I was really happy to see people that I loved and cared about. I have some wonderful friends that I am very thankful for. I can't wait for Kenna to meet them. My favorite pictures involve the ones where I cover my face :-)

I am curious as to whether Miss Kennedy has enough clothes? If you will consult the image, you will see that I have more than an outfit or two for her. :-) I have also realized that I need to get a life, so that I have social functions to attend and show off her plentiful wardrobe :-)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Braxton who?

I had the start of Braxton Hicks contractions tonight. It scared the crap out of me! Very strange. I was hoping I wouldn't really have them much. I've heard lots of "horror" stories of women thinking they were having B.H.Cs and not going to the hospital, then by the time they figured it out, it was too late for drugs. No thank you!!! :-)

Kennedy also got to attend her first concert today. Well, concert sound check, but lets not get technical. I was bummed because I can't be downtown tomorrow for the big partay on the circle. Well, I went to get some dinner before I left work today and Faith Hill was doing her rehearsal/sound check! It was awesome. Kenna was jammin'