Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You mean you don't go to the store wearing a pirate bib, an odd hot, a colander face mask/hat, and your sippy cup????

You are SO last season.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Fun

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to over my brief summer break...(please notice that according to the photographic evidence, "cleaning" is not one of those activities) We went to Traders Point Creamery, went swimming (during the first, and apparently only week of sunshine during my break), visited family, and experimented with new hair dos :-)

At Deagan's 9 month appointment he was 15 lbs 5 oz and 28.75 in long. For breakfast AND dinner, he gets cereal with butter and sugar in it!! It's the Paula Deen Diet...I wish my doctor would tell me, "You know, I really think you could use a little more butter in your diet."'s official, please start praying daily- as of July 7th at approximately 8:30pm, I now have two mobile children under the age of two. Deagan is crawling and all over the place and already trying to pull up on things. Oh, Lord. :-)

Enjoy the pics.

He gets worn out

Traders Point

What a goober
Her new favorite game is took take the clothes out of the basket and try to put them all on

Hair before the nap...

Hair AFTER the nap...she is such a dork :-)

Take a number ladies :-)
Just call her K-$... She'll be opening for Snoop next fall :-)