Thursday, May 29, 2008

7 months old!

Kennedy was 7 months old on Tuesday! I've been trying to make a scrapbook of her first year, and when I look back at when she was just born, I feel kind of sad. It is amazing watching her grow and she is so much fun right now, but I can't believe how fast time has gone and how much she has changed!

She is drinking water from a sippy cup now! Well, she sometimes tries to use it upside down and often bites on it, but she understands the process.

She can sit up really well (she can even go from lying down to sitting up on her own!) and assumes the crawling position. When she tries to go somewhere, her legs move but her arms don't, so she just falls forward.

She's eating meat now! I tried to give her some awhile ago but she totally wasn;t interested, and I could blam her because it smelled like cat food. However, we have had the turkey and rice and beef and vegetables and they both seem to be a hit. She loves most of the vegetables but really only likes the prunes, pears, and Hawaiin Delight in the fruit department.

Tonight she picked up one of the puffy foods on her own! Before this she would only look at it and then look at me, like, "OK, what are you going to do with that?" She picked some up today! At first she was having trouble using just her fingers, so she would just grab it with her fist and couldn't figure out how to get it in her mouth. She dropped one and it landed on my finger and she immediately shoved my finger into her mouth to get the puffy. And she actually chewed it a little! I know, it's really not that exciting, but when I watch her do all this new stuff I get so excited. She looks at me like I'm crazy when a cheering and clapping!

Sleeping however, has gotten worse. I think she has some teeth that are trying to come through or something because she is up all the time. It is making me exhausted and I feel bad that she is upset :-( My goal is to get her to sleep through the night before the next one comes along :-)

I know most of this isn't very exciting for people, but I enjoy seeing her progress. Plus, it's my own little online scrapbook for her.

Just Being Silly!

Making sure those dancer legs stay limber

Chillin' in her new tub

What a cheese-ball!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day, Puffy foods, and etc

Ok, seriously, horrible pictures of Mommy on her 1st Mother's Day. So, we will post a few cute ones of Miss K.

We've tried the puffy things (you know, the ones that don't dissolve) and Kennedy isn't really used to swallowing them. She's not suffering, but I still feel guilty for laughing- but she's so funny! She is sitting up pretty good right now. She rolls all over the place! She is working on scooting, but she just gets mad because she only moves backwards. Her bottom tooth broke through and should be visible, but she keeps sticking her tongue out so I can't get a good picture! Her daddy got her some musically instruments. She loves the drum...this does not make mommy happy. I will let her get this percussion business out of her system early, and then it will be off to dance class! :-)

What is this stuff??

Pulling Aunt Meggie's hair is funny!

Monday, May 12, 2008


I was trying to post this video, but could get it in with my other post.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Where did you get your diploma?

Ok, let me first say that I love Kennedy's doctor. She is hilarious, real, great with Kennedy, and very helpful with Post-Partum depression. That said...she's crazy!!! She told me to have Kennedy start eating the puffy things that dissolve in your mouth. They don't dissolve! The package also says, "Your child can eat these if..." and lists a whole bunch of things that Kennedy doesn't do. Well, we got the sippy cups and puffy things and we will attempt them this weekend...after I call to make sure the doctor is aware of what she told me to do :-)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Teeth and Sitting! (Kind of)

The first tooth is bustin' through! It's a bottom one, and you can't see it very well, but you can definitely feel it when she bites down. When it is more visible, I will try to get her tongue out of the way long enouch to snap a pic.

She is getting better at sitting up on her own. She has to have a wide base with forward motion, and it doesn't last long, but we're working on it! I had to snap these pictures pretty quickly and the set her up again :-)

Is this it? Am I doing it??

Oh no!

Will you help me Annie?


I got it!!!

So peaceful

Ok, if you can look at this and not smile, you have a cold, cold heart :-) She is so goofy