Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day, Puffy foods, and etc

Ok, seriously, horrible pictures of Mommy on her 1st Mother's Day. So, we will post a few cute ones of Miss K.

We've tried the puffy things (you know, the ones that don't dissolve) and Kennedy isn't really used to swallowing them. She's not suffering, but I still feel guilty for laughing- but she's so funny! She is sitting up pretty good right now. She rolls all over the place! She is working on scooting, but she just gets mad because she only moves backwards. Her bottom tooth broke through and should be visible, but she keeps sticking her tongue out so I can't get a good picture! Her daddy got her some musically instruments. She loves the drum...this does not make mommy happy. I will let her get this percussion business out of her system early, and then it will be off to dance class! :-)

What is this stuff??

Pulling Aunt Meggie's hair is funny!

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