Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy Busy

Sorry, my dearest Beth and Katie :-) I just finished up the school year this week, so things have been pretty busy lately. Anyway, here is an update...

First, I forgot to upload these a while ago, but here are some of her 6 1/2 month pictures we had taken.

Kennedy started crawling last week! She is EVERYWHERE and already pulling up on stuff. She has an amazing ability to know where to find everything she is NOT supposed to get into :-)

We have also enjoyed some more swimming time here recently. Katie, I am quite impressed that you were able to have air "rushing" into the pool! When I tried to blow up Kennedy's, it was more of a situation where the air meandered into the thing. It took forever and I thought I was going to pass out! In case anyone is worried, we stick to the skimmpy swimsuits when there is no one else around :-) (She has 4 bathing suits!) Also, I only took her hat off to get some pictures...then she decided it need to go into the pool.

Annie wanted in with her SO bad!

This is nothing special, just a cute pic.

A future musician? Maybe. She also likes to play with her drum and the marracas. However, she mostly eats the marracas. (sp?) Oh! I am very excited because we (I) were watching So You Think You Can Dance (recorded, she's not up that late) and she got very excited during the hip hop and contemporary routines! That's my girl! :-)

Ok, I don't plan on being one of those parents that just plops their child down in front of the TV all of the time. However, I do love me some TV, so Kennedy is bound to be exposed to it. I already mentioned her enjoyment for S.Y.T.Y.C.D and she loved the commercial that has Rhianna and the lizards dancing to Thriller. I had on seasme street the other day while I was playing with her and she went nuts over Elmo. It was funny!

Two more things and then I shall go. First, Kenna's started doing this weird grunting thing. At first I thought it was funny, but then I got concerend. The Dr. told me not to worry, so I'll share it so you can think it is funny too :-)

Also, I took a picture of her yesterday in her car seat and I thought of how much she has grown in 7 1/2 months. The first pic is the day she came home from the hospital and then the one I took yesterday. :(

1 comment:

Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with your thorough update. (And I loved my shout-out!)

The grunting video was too cute. Looks like you guys are having fun!