Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Adventures of Princess Sassy Pants and Smiley Boy

Deagan is so happy. He smiles and laughs all the time. It is awesome! The only time he cries is when he is super hungry/tired or is having trouble pooping...or when Kennedy throws a toy at him or sits on his face. (And yes, I cannot wait until I get to tell his girlfriends about how I would write about his pooping trouble on the Internet). He has a tooth cutting through!! I can't believe he is that big already! Even with the cutting of teeth, he is still pretty happy most of the time.

He had his 6 month (and 2 week) check up on Monday. He was 13 lbs and 26 inches. The doctor is concerned because he is down to the 3rd percentile. I have to do various things to try to increase his weight and have him checked again in 3 weeks when I take K for her 18 month visit. (She is up to 20 lbs!) Frankly, I have no idea how these children are so little. I'm busting my butt at the gym trying to lose weight and then I go home and try to fatten them up! Where's the justice??? :-)

Kennedy is quite the handful lately! There is no surface she won't climb, no limit she won't push, and button she won't push (bother literal and figurative) :-) She is very much the drama queen and has taken to throwing herself onto the floor when she gets mad at me. She also has a bit of a 'tude. When she doesn't want or like something, she lets you know about it. However, she is still adorable :-)

Now, if you'll excuse me, Choo-Choo Soul is calling my name...

Just chillin'

Sometimes feeding herself has disastrous consequences


Someone got jealous and decided she needed to be in the pictures

She is always looking for new ways to stress me out

** I started this a week ago, and am just now able to post it. I will post about Easter soon.

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