Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I started back to work yesterday :-( My four weeks off went by too fast. I loved spending time with Kennedy. I was hoping she would reach some milestone while I was off so I could actually see her do it for the first time instead of whoever is babysitting her, but being the little stinker she is, she is holding out. :-) She has been sick lately, but hopefully she will be good tonight and go to sleep without problems, I'll watch Tori & Dean, and all will be right with the world :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I'm now thinking "you had 4 weeks off and I didn't get a call for a downtown lunch?" I mean, I know you're preggers and all, AND you have a kid...but consider - FOR ONCE, MY wants, and MY convenience.. geeze... ;)

Seriously - we need lunch@! Connie is JONESING to meet Kenna ;)