Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanksgiving...better late than never!

Super busy Thanksgiving, but lots of fun. Breakfast with my dad's crew, lunch with my mom, dinner with Devin's peeps. (Lots of meals that were not helpful in the baby-weight-loss plan!)

Of course, I forgot the camera for breakfast (I promise I will get picture's at Christmas!!) :-)

First Thanksgiving!! (Yes I torture my children...maybe by the time they are in high school I will stop making them dress for each holiday)

Oooh...she is sick and drowsy...I should be able to get the phone unnoticed...

Jazz Hands!!

Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got- she's still Kenna from the block

Snuggled up and ready for drive
Look at that face!

Loving on Tobias Thurmador Goodman

Word to ya motha

I'm thinkin' about sending her to work at Connor Prairie next's expensive keeping a toddler lookin' good! :-)

Devin's cousin got her a giant Elmo for Christmas!
Look at that tush!

What? Doesn't everyone carry their blocks like this?

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