Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Disney Brain

So, yes, I let Kennedy watch TV. Unfortunately, I love TV so when I'm home it's usually on, even if it's just for background noise. As she gets older, and actually realizes that she is watching TV, I will limit her time- no worries. At 5pm each night, she has to watch the Gilmore Girls with me :-) however, in the mornings, I usually turn on Clubhouse Disney because I think its fairly educational and she loves all of the music. Well, I feel that I am officially a geeky mom. Today I was talking to a group of kids about Brainstorming and all of the sudden I felt the urge to sing "Brainstormin'" by the Imagination Movers. Then It was stuck in my head all day. It was very sad. I used to get cool, hip hop and pop songs stuck in my head. Now it's silly kids songs and that stupid Toyota "Saved by Zero" commercial. I couldn't find the brainstorming song but if you go to the website, there is a delightful song about what's in your fridge & shakeable you :-)

On Monday D was 2 months old! I can't believe its gone by so fast. He is growing so much every day. He started smiling yesterday- the real smile. You know, the one where people DON'T say, "Oh, he's just gasy."?

Kennedy is really walking now! It is very shakey, but she's actually covering a decent distance, not just 4 steps. It's hilarious to watch her. Sometimes, I think one leg gets stuck because she just starts pivoting in a circle!

Please ignore the mess. It was a rough day.

OMG! Why are you taking a pic of me on the carseat base?!?!?

Don't tell Devin I put him in K's bounce seat. His was downstairs and I was just too lazy to go get it.

Playing with her doll



Anonymous said...

Your daughter is ghetto groovin' to Eminem. Nice. ;) Love it love it love it :)

Steph said...

Just keepin' it real, ya know? I was wondering if anyone would hear that :-) She changed the channel to VH1 and it was the end credits to 8 Mile- I don't normal find is music appropriate for 1 yr olds :-)