Wednesday, November 5, 2008


How come I can't make a living seeing this cuteness every morning???

Look at this little man! I can't believe he is seven weeks old today. It's going by too fast!

Yes, I'm a dork. In honor of election day, we all had shirts that celebrated voting. And we wore them. Mine said Laugh. Dance. Vote. I tried to get a picture of all of us but I haven't figure out how to airbrush 20 lbs off me, so it won't be posted. :-)(Plus, trying to use the self-time to get a picture of me, a 1 yr old and a 7 week old was just not a good idea.)

Kennedy doesn't always love the sippy cup, but she does like to use a straw. I got her this cup hoping it would help her not use a bottle. She looks like such a little girl now, and not my little baby!! :-( When she throws this cup down on the floor it gets milk everywhere, and I like when she cuddles with me during her nightly bottle, so we aren't ready to lose it all together. :-)

Not that you need to know this, but this is her poop face. I'm going to save it until her first date and bust it out when the boy comes to the house. :-)

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