Monday, September 22, 2008

Looking Out For Us

I'm not sure if it was our many loved ones who have passed away, or The Big Guy Himself, but someone Upstairs was watching over us on Saturday, and I am so thankful.

(This is a long post, bear with me.)

We were discharged from the hospital on Friday night but they told us we would have to come back the next day to have Deagan's billi rubin (sp?) checked due to jaundis (sp?). We had to do this like three times with Kennedy so we knew the drill. This time they told us that we would have to wait at the hospital for the results so we would know if he was ok, needed a Billi Blanket at home, or needed to be admitted to sleep under the crazy lights for a night. Since we were going to be there awhile, Devin's sister came down to stay with Kennedy Saturday afternoon while we went to the hospital.

Once we had the test done, they told us we could go ahead and leave the the on call doctor (not our pediatrician) would call us and let us know what to do. I need a couple of things and we were trying to stay near the hospital so we did a couple of errands. After awhile we decided to head home. We were on I-69 about 3 miles from our exit and it start POURING down rain- the kind where you can't see in front of you. That is always scary for me anyway. We were in the left lane (driving surprisingly slow) and there was a semi next to us in the right one. The semi started to swerve back and forth like he was sliding and turned on his turn signal like he suddenly wanted over. We tried to slow down to avoid the swerving and we started to hydroplane. We actually started to go in the direction of the semi, but Devin is a pretty smart driver who knows all those things they told you in drivers ed that I don't remember. (Like which direction to turn your wheels when sliding, etc.) We avoided the semi but went off the road, hit the guard rail thingy, spun around several times along the guard rail and stopped with the front of our car partially in the left lane of 69. It was the by far the scariest event in my entire life. The amazing thing is that we were all completely fine physically. Deagan slept through the whole thing!!! (He can't sleep at night with me, but a serious car accident is no problem.) I think I hurt my back a little bit, but it is really just muscle strain from tighten up while it happened. The car was horribly damaged and probably totalled (which is a whole other set of issues and worries.) I was a freakin' mess afterwards. Obviously, I just had a baby 3 days ago, so I wasn't the in the most emotionally stable condition anyway. (Plus I had had a totally of 8 hrs sleep since Tuesday.) It was an incredible frightening accident, our 3 day old infant was in the back seat, our 11 month old wasn't even with us and we were completely uninjured. We were so incredibly blessed. I think the thought of what could have happened is what made me freak out as much as I did.

So Deagan and I went into the ambulence because I wanted D to get checked out just to be safe. I was finally getting myself under control when the on call doc called and said his billi rubin level was high and he was going to need to be readmitted. Naturally, I lost it again. It just seemed to be one thing after another. I had hardly seen Kenna since we put her to bed on Tuesday night so the thought of being away from her for another night made me feel awful as well.
So...we headed back to the hospital. When we were notfiying people of the accident and I think it was confusing that we were all fine, but had to go back to the hospital. It was another sleepless night in Ol' Community North (I need a punch card where you get a free night after so many visits per year.) It was hard because Deagan likes to be swaddled so he pretty much was fussy all night since he just had to lay there underneath the lights. It was really no big deal for him to have to be there, I just wanted to be at home. I found his goggles he had to wear humerous, so I took some pics.

Since it has taken me 2 days to finish this post, I have positive news :-) Last night was a pretty good night. We are nursing better, which is a plus, and he is gaining weight. I am hoping that tonight will be a decent nights rest since I am unbeliveable exhausted. I am still overwhelmed with having two children so young and close togethers, but I think they are so adorable and love them more than anything in the world. Eventually I will look back at these days longingly, right? :-)

Kennedy has actually been really good with D. She is very curious about him. She likes to hold/play with his hands and pet his head like she does the dogs. :-) This morning I has feeding him with a bottle and she kept trying to mess with it. I let her hold it to see what she would do- she tried to feed it to him! It was funny because she wanted to help me hold it. So now, when I am giving him a bottle of formula or pumped milk, I try to let her help. The only thing that is difficult is when she is in a clingy mood, she has to be sitting with me if I am holding him. Most of the time it is ok, but its hard when I'm trying to nurse. Plus, then Maggie and Annie want to join. I know I am much larger these days than I used to be, but I don't really have room for an infant, a toddler, and 2 dogs on my lap! :-)

Enjoy the random pictures of the kiddies.


danadane1128 said...

I am glad you guys are okay after the accident! I can't even imagine how worried you were! AH!
I miss you guys! When things settle down a bit, maybe we can get together for dinner or something. ?

Amanda said...

Kennedy is so cute! Again, so glad everyone is doing well...the details of that accident sound awful! Hope you have a great day!

Amanda said...

of course Deagan is adorable too! I just didn't get to see Kennedy when I was there photographing Deagan, they are both precious!!