Monday, September 1, 2008

Just Call Her Goober

Not much has been happening lately. Kennedy got another tooth, so the grand total is up to 5! She has been very drool-y and running just a bit of a temp so I think another one is one its way.

I took some pictures during bath time the other day and wanted to share them. She makes these funny faces lately and I was trying to capture them on camera. She is so funny! (Unfortunately, she got my ears and does not have any hair to cover them up.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the goober! I need to call you back - I got your message but I had strep throat and a sinus infection and just felt like sleeping... :) Moved into the apartment at the end of June and the end of the summer was PACKED so you're really not far behind... join us on Sunday for the game? Kenna can come play with Sam and you could bring a pack and play and if she needs to camp out we can put her down in the guest room...