Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monkey Business

Baby Boy will be here with in the next 3 weeks. NOT PREPARED FOR THIS!!! :-) But I'll make it work somehow :-)

Kennedy has not been feeling well lately and I think its because she has more teeth coming. (I always say thats the reason.) I am actually very lucky because she is always exceptionally good when we are out or around people. Of course, when she starts screaming and throwing fits when its just us I think, "Why do you not like me Kenna!!??" :-)

She likes to play with measuring cups and her electronic drum sticks. She has 8 more months to be the next Shelia E. (even though I'm really pushing for her to work with Bon Jovi) and then I'm putting her in dance class and she can forget about this silly percussion thing :-)

Until recently, I had constructed a nice little containment area for Miss Thang. Since our house is "open concept" there's really not any good place to put a gate. She gets into everything and sometimes, I'm just too tired to chase after her. (Gimme a break- very large, very pregnant). Anyway, I put the ottaman (sp?) at one end and then this little chair thing at the other. It was doing an outstanding job- until Sunday.

(Don't worry, I only let her do this while I took the pictures)

I've not turned the chair around. I figure I just have a short time until she figures out how to move the chair and then I'm just screwed. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor woman! Did I ever call you back from your voicemail? I meant too but I honestly don't know what week it is now or what week it was then... Connie and I want to grab you before new little man gets here... Names yet?