Monday, February 2, 2009

Bad Day for Heart Gone Walking??

**Warning to Katie @ Heart Gone Walking.... this image in this post might be disturbing.**

As I clicked on a link about Punxsutawney Phil to hear his "verdict" on the season, I saw this picture

and my heart went out to Katie M. She has had some unfortunate incidents with rodent-like animals. And while they are hilarious to read about (you can do so here and here and here...and kinda here too) I have to admit that I pause for a moment each time I get in my oven. :-) Anyway, as I was thinking about Groundhogs Day and looking at this picture that I found distrubing, I thought it must be Katie's least favorite day of the year. Seriously. A National Holiday honoring an immortal rodent (he is immortal because he sips the "elixr of life" at the summer ground hog pinic. The magical elixr adds another seven years of his life.) who speaks with the Groundhog Club President, in "Groundhogese" no less, to give his seasonal predicitions. I just don't think that sounds like her cup of tea. Especially since the internet and news stations are cluttered with images like the one above, which probably give her horrible flashbacks to the Matilda incident! So, today, Katie M., my thoughts and prayers go out to you as you get through this difficult day, especially since this is coming after your first trip away from your darling daughter.

**I do not actually posses a vast knowledge of Groundhog's Day trivia. My reference source was The Offical Site of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. It was quite informative, but I question their date since they claim to have a 120 year old groundhog, who speaks Groundhogese & has a 100% success rate. **

1 comment:

Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

So I'm just now catching up on my favorite blogs (I had 381 posts in my Google reader; think I should cut down on my blog stalking??)and saw your post.

And now I'm crying. Not from fear of the picture (OK, maybe 25 percent) but from laughing way too hard.

You, my dear, are hilarious. Thank you for that.

And yes, Groundhog's Day is a really bad day for me. I just try to not watch TV. :)