Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Miss Chitlin' Strut 2011?

Do you think in a year or so, we could go from this:

To this?

"On any given weekend, on stages across the country, little girls and boys parade around wearing makeup, false eyelashes, spray tans and fake hair to be judged on their beauty, personality and costumes. Toddlers and Tiaras follows families on their quest for sparkly crowns, big titles, and lots of cash.

The preparation is intense as it gets down to the final week before the pageant. From hair and nail appointments, to finishing touches on gowns and suits, to numerous coaching sessions or rehearsals, each child preps for their performance. But once at the pageant, it's all up to the judges and drama ensues when every parent wants to prove that their child is beautiful."

Toddlers & Tiaras, Tuesday nights on TLC (Contact your local cable carrier for time and listing information) :-)

Yes, my friends, I have witnessed the finest in youth pageant hysteria on this reality T.V. show. It walks a thin line between disturbing and hilarious.

Disturbing: A 10 year old girl gets spray tanned, eyebrows done, and teeth whitened for the Miss Chitlin' Strut pageant. (There is also a Miss Collard Queen, in case you were wondering.)...The mothers (and a "father" or two) living vicariously through their children at a frightening intensity...

He was also quoted as saying, "If you want to change a tire, go talk to my wife. If you want to bead a gown or win Miss Universe, come talk to me." Hmmm. Interesting.

Toddlers & Tiaras: David Perez
Uploaded by TheDlisted
BTW, I did score a 90% on the TLC pageant quiz :-)

In other news...Kennedy & Deagan went to their friend Avery's 2nd birthday party this weekend. Kennedy had lots of fun...and Deagan just start there and smiled :-)

And then we all got sick. Again. Yay.

But here are cute pictures of Deagan when he was not sick. :-)


Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

When I first started reading this post, I was afraid you were going to say you wanted to enter Kennedy. And I'm not sure I can be blog-friends with someone who gives her kid a spray tan.

I was very relieved. I haven't seen this show but I'm sure I would also find it hilarious and disturbing.

Your two kiddos are way more beautiful than the glitz-up pageant girl. I love Kennedy's strut in one of those photos! :)

Steph said...

Ha! Nope, I can't afford spray tan, eyebrows, and nails for myself at this time, so I will not purchase them for my 1.5 year old! :-) And I would understand your desire to end our blog friendship if I did :-D

Unknown said...

BTW....I scored a 100% on the quiz. Kennedy wouldn't need much training for pagents...she struts and poses better than I do! :)